Не то чтобы я так уж любила книги и фильмы про Гарри Поттера... пусть меня и забавляет, что Рэдклифф с каждым годом становится всё больше похож на моего старшего брата... Но вот наткнулась на клип, посвящённый памяти погибших в этих семи книгах - и не плакать не смогла... Изумительная работа! И такая песня...
Bittersweet (Within Temptation)
If I tell you
Will you listen?
Will you stay?
Will you be here forever?
Never go away?
Never thought things would change
Hold me tight
Please don't say again
That you have to go
A bitter thought
I had it all
But I just let it go
Hold your silence
It's so violent
Since you're gone
All my thoughts are with you forever
Until the day we'll be back together
I will be waiting for you
If I have told you
You would have listened
You had stayed
You would be here forever
Never went away
It would never have been the same
All our time
Would have been in vain
Cause you had to go
The sweetest thought
I had it all
Cause I did let you go
All our moments
Keep me warm
When you're gone
All my thoughts are with you forever
Until the day we'll be back together
I will be waiting for you
Bittersweet (Within Temptation)
If I tell you
Will you listen?
Will you stay?
Will you be here forever?
Never go away?
Never thought things would change
Hold me tight
Please don't say again
That you have to go
A bitter thought
I had it all
But I just let it go
Hold your silence
It's so violent
Since you're gone
All my thoughts are with you forever
Until the day we'll be back together
I will be waiting for you
If I have told you
You would have listened
You had stayed
You would be here forever
Never went away
It would never have been the same
All our time
Would have been in vain
Cause you had to go
The sweetest thought
I had it all
Cause I did let you go
All our moments
Keep me warm
When you're gone
All my thoughts are with you forever
Until the day we'll be back together
I will be waiting for you
Здорово сделано!!!
Аэлирэнн! Реально ли попросить тебя перекинуть мне этот клип на мыло?
Буду крайне признателен...
К тому ж компа в хате два - один глючит, второй виснет...
Перевод: Один в сети, а второй - и пошустрее, и со звуковой картой... Так шо я сперва сливаю пестню на винт, потом - на MP3-плеер (он у меня вместо флэшки и картридера), потом вынимаю карту SD и пхаю в другой комп...
А кому щас легко?
ЗЫ: Как тебе новый рассказик? Про "Усы-Лапы-Хвост"? Я кинул в дневник и на форуме. Пока все молчат! Испугались, поди...